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10 Reasons to Switch to WordPress in the UK

WordPress has become one of the most popular website creation and management tools on the internet.

It’s used by some of the biggest brands in the world, including,, and

And small businesses can use it to create a professional website or blog without prior experience or technical knowledge. 

This article will give you ten good reasons to switch to WordPress.

What is WordPress?

If you are completely new to this, WordPress is a free and open-source blogging tool. It allows you to create your blog easily, manage it effortlessly, and even earn from it if you know how to use it properly. 

You can compare it to other CMSes like Blogger, Tumblr, etc.

WordPress can be installed on a web server (go to to download), or you can use its website builder, which is free. This website builder is accessible through

Whichever one you choose, you will be using WordPress nonetheless. That said, here are some of the reasons why you should finally make that switch to WordPress.

1. WordPress is free and open-source software.

There are several reasons to switch to WordPress, but perhaps the most compelling is that it is free and open-source software.

This means anyone can download, install, and use WordPress without paying a penny. 

Furthermore, because the code is open source, there are literally thousands of developers around the world constantly improving and adding new features to WordPress.

When software is open-source, you as the user have access to the codebase. 

You can change how WordPress works or even create your own version of it, if you so desire. 

In contrast, with closed-source software like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Word, you, as the user, do not have access to the codebase. 

This means you are at the mercy of the company that created the software regarding features, updates, and support.

Now you understand why it is so exciting that WordPress is open-source.

2. WordPress is easy to use.

WordPress is easy to use because it has a simple interface, and most hosting providers offer one-click installation.

Once installed, WordPress can be used to create pages and posts, add media, and install plugins and themes. 

Themes control the look and feel of a WordPress site, while plugins add functionality. There are thousands of free and premium themes and plugins available.

All of these can be done with a few mouse clicks.

So, if you’re looking for a simple, user-friendly platform to build your website or blog, WordPress is an excellent choice. 

WordPress is easy to set up and manage, even for beginners. And because it’s open source, thousands of free themes and plugins are available to customize your site exactly how you want it. 

3. WordPress is versatile.

This means that WP is a platform that can create many different types of websites. Some common examples include 

  • Blogs: WordPress started as a blogging platform and remains one of the most popular choices for bloggers today. A blog can be set up quickly and easily with WordPress, and many themes and plugins are available to customise your blog’s look and feel.
  • Business websites: Many businesses use WordPress to create their website. WordPress is a cost-effective solution that offers a lot of flexibility in terms of design and functionality. There are also many plugins available for adding features such as contact forms, eCommerce functionality, etc.
  • Portfolios: Artists, photographers, designers, etc., often use WordPress to create portfolios to showcase their work online. Again, many themes and plugins are available specifically for creating beautiful portfolio websites with WordPress.
  • Community websites: WordPress can also create community websites where users can sign up and log in to participate in forums, chat rooms, etc. Many plugins are available for adding this type of functionality to a WordPress website in the UK.

You can do virtually any site with this CMS.

4. WordPress is highly customizable.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to customizing WordPress. 

One way is to change the theme. Themes control the look and feel of your site, so changing your theme can give your site a whole new look. 

Another way to customize WordPress is by installing plugins. Plugins add functionality to your site, so you can use them to add things like contact forms, social media buttons, or even eCommerce features. 

Finally, you can also edit the code of your WordPress site directly if you know how to code in HTML, CSS, and PHP. This allows you complete control over how your site looks and works.

In short, WordPress gives you the freedom to mould your website to your liking.

5. WordPress is secure.

Website security is the number one concern of every business, and WordPress takes that seriously. There are a few key reasons why WordPress is such a secure platform.

First, WordPress uses industry-standard encryption methods to protect your data. All information exchanged between your site and visitors’ browsers are encrypted, making it difficult for hackers to intercept.

Second, WordPress regularly releases security updates to keep your site safe from new threats. These are automatic updates, so you don’t have to worry about manually keeping your site up-to-date.

And if you have any concerns about security on your WordPress site, a large community of experts can help you. The WordPress support forums are full of people happy to help answer any questions you may have. 

  • You can easily back up and restore your WP site.
  • WordPress uses strong cryptography to protect passwords and other sensitive data.
  • WordPress websites can be configured to use HTTPS for added security (that’s where the SSL certificate comes in). 

6. WordPress is search engine friendly.

A search engine is a web-based tool that lets users find information on the World Wide Web. Search engines typically use algorithms to rank websites based on their relevance to a user’s query. is one of the most popular search engines right now.

You need a platform built with SEO in mind if you care about getting free traffic from Google and other search engines. 

WordPress is just such a platform. It comes with features like permalinks and RSS feeds that make it easy for search engine crawlers to find and index your website’s content.

With it, you can easily optimize your website for search engines without hiring a costly SEO expert. 

Also, there are plugins available that can help you with everything from optimizing your website’s title and meta tags to generating XML sitemaps.

For example, you install and activate Yoast SEO. It is a plugin that helps you with your website’s SEO. Yoast will suggest how to improve your website’s SEO and readability.

7. WordPress is mobile-friendly.

That means that your blog will look great on any device. Mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular, so ensuring your blog is accessible to as many people as possible is important.

Mobile friendliness is also important for SEO. 

Google now ranks mobile-friendly websites higher in their search results. So if you want your blog to be easily found by potential readers, it’s important to make sure it’s mobile-friendly.

The good news is that WordPress makes it easy to create a mobile-friendly blog. There are lots of themes and plugins available that will help you optimize your site for mobile devices. 

And if you want more control over how your site looks on different devices, responsive themes are available. These themes automatically adjust the layout of your website based on the device being used, so your content always looks its best no matter what screen size it’s being viewed on.

8. WordPress is supported by a large community of users.

One of the best things about WordPress is that a large community of users supports it. 

If you ever have any questions or need help with something, many resources are available.

And the WordPress forums are a great place to start. There, you can search for answers to your questions or post new topics for discussion. 

You can also find helpful documentation on WordPress Codex, which is an online manual for using WordPress. 

And if you want one-on-one help, plenty of people also offer paid support services.

No matter your question, chances are somebody in the WordPress community has an answer for you.

9. WordPress is constantly improving.

WordPress is always improving. New features are regularly added to the software, and bugs are fixed on a regular basis. That means that you can always expect your WordPress site to be up-to-date with the latest technology.

Plus, because WordPress is open source, there’s a never-ending stream of new themes and plugins being created for it. So no matter what you want to do with your website, chances are there’s a theme or plugin out there that will help you do it. And if not, you can always create your own custom solution using the code base.

WordPress is a great choice if you are looking for a platform that keeps adding new features and is always up-to-date.

10. WordPress powers some of the world’s largest websites and brands.

What other proof do you need that WordPress is a great platform? If it’s good enough for some of the world’s largest websites and brands, it should be good enough for you!

Some of the big names that use WordPress include Forbes, The Guardian, TechCrunch, and Reuters. And those are just a few examples. 

Over 30% of all websites on the internet now run on WordPress. That’s a pretty impressive statistic!

WordPress vs Blogger

WordPress and Blogger are two of the most popular blogging platforms. They both have their pros and cons, but which one is better?

Let’s take a look at WordPress first. WordPress is a self-hosted platform, which means you need to buy your own domain name and hosting. This can be a bit more expensive than using a free platform like Blogger. However, it also gives you a lot more control over your blog. 

You can install themes and plugins to change the look and feel of your blog, and you’re not limited to the number of posts or pages you can create.

Blogger is a great platform for those just starting out with blogging. It’s free to use, and you don’t need to worry about buying hosting or a domain name.

You can also create unlimited posts and pages, which is great if you plan on writing a lot. 

However, Blogger doesn’t give you as much control over your blog as WordPress does. You’re limited to the available themes and plugins, and you can’t customize your blog as much.

WordPress vs Wix

Wix is a website builder that allows you to create a website without knowing how to code. It’s perfect for those who want to create a simple blog or website, and it’s free to use. 

WordPress is a self-hosted platform, meaning you must buy your domain name and hosting. This can be a bit more expensive than using Wix, but it gives you much more control over your site. You can install themes and plugins, and you’re not limited by the number of pages or posts you can create.

Wix is a great platform for those just starting out with blogging or website creation. It’s free to use, and you don’t need to worry about buying hosting or a domain name. 

You can also create unlimited pages, which is great if you plan on writing a lot. 

However, Wix doesn’t give you as much control over your site as WordPress does. The available themes and plugins limit you, and you can’t customize your site as much.

WordPress vs

WordPress and are two popular choices for creating a website or blog. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites and blogs worldwide. is a newer open-source project focusing on making it easy to create beautiful, modern publications online.

Here’s what you need to know about

  • Ghost is focused on making it easy to create beautiful, modern publications online. This means that the focus is on creating content that looks great, rather than on things like managing a website or blog’s backend.
  • Ghost is open-source software, which means anyone can contribute to its development and use it for free.
  • Ghost has an active community of users and developers constantly working on improving the platform.
  • Ghost offers a hosted solution called “Ghost Pro” which starts at $9/month and includes features like automatic backups, one-click restore points, priority support, etc.

Based on this, it is clear that is a great option if you’re looking for an easy way to create beautiful content. However, WordPress still has some advantages over Ghost:

  • WordPress is more widely used, which means there are more themes, plugins, and resources available for it.
  • WordPress is a more versatile platform and can be used for things beyond just creating publications (e.g., ecommerce, membership sites, etc.).
  • WordPress has been around longer and is thus more mature as a platform.
  • WordPress is free to use, even if you want to use the hosted version (

And among the other reasons we’ve looked at so far.

Final thoughts

There are many reasons to switch to WordPress, but these are the ten most important ones. WordPress is easy to use, has a ton of features, and is very versatile. It’s also free and open source.

WordPress is used by millions of people around the world, including some of the biggest brands. If you’re not using WordPress, you’re missing out on a lot.

These are just some of the reasons why you should switch to WordPress. If you’re not using it already, what are you waiting for? 

Related articles:

WordPress FAQs

Is WordPress free?

WordPress is free! You can download it from and use it to create a beautiful website or blog without spending a dime.

Is WordPress OK for beginners?

Yes! WordPress is an amazing platform for beginners. It is easy to use and has a ton of features that make it perfect for those just starting out. Plus, many resources are available to help you learn the ropes.

Should I use ghost or WordPress?

There are many blogging platforms to choose from these days. Two of the most popular are WordPress and Ghost. But which one is right for you? Here are some things to consider when making your decision:

1. Ease of use: WordPress is a fairly user-friendly platform, while Ghost can be a bit more tricky to use. If you’re not particularly tech-savvy, WordPress might be the better choice.

2. Cost: WordPress is free to use, while Ghost starts at $19/month. So if cost is a factor, WordPress is the obvious choice.

3. Features: Both platforms have a lot to offer in terms of features and customization options. So it really comes down to what you’re looking for in a platform.

4. Community: WordPress has a large and active community, while Ghost’s community is still relatively small. WordPress might be the better option if you’re looking for support and advice.

5. Flexibility: Both platforms are fairly flexible in terms of design and functionality. So it really comes down to personal preference here.

6. Future: WordPress is a well-established platform with a bright future, while Ghost is still relatively new and unproven. So if you’re looking for a platform that’s here to stay, WordPress might be the better choice.

Overall, there is no clear winner when it comes to WordPress vs Ghost. It really depends on your individual needs and preferences.

Does WordPress require coding?

No, WordPress does not require coding. You can use WordPress to create a website without knowing any code.

How long will it take to learn WordPress?

It depends on how much time you’re willing to put in. If you’re just trying to learn the basics, it could take a few days. But if you want to really master WordPress, it could take weeks or even months. The good news is that there are tons of resources out there to help you learn, so you can go at your own pace.

What skills do you need for WordPress?

If you want to use WordPress, you’ll need some basic web development skills. You’ll need to be able to create and edit code, as well as manage a website. Additionally, you’ll need to be familiar with WordPress’ interface and features.

Do I need to buy a domain for WordPress?

No, you don’t need to buy a domain for WordPress. You can use a free subdomain from, or you can use your own domain name. If you want to use your own domain name, you’ll need to purchase it from here.

How do I install WordPress?

Installing WordPress is a simple process that anyone can do. You don’t need any technical skills or knowledge to get started. All you need is a web host and a domain name.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing WordPress:

1. Choose a web host. We recommend using WordPress hosting providers like SiteGround or WP Engine. They’re optimized for WordPress and make the installation process easy.

2. Register your domain name. You can register a domain name with any registrar, like GoDaddy or Namecheap.

3. Set up your web host account. Once you’ve chosen and registered your domain name, you’ll need to set up your web hosting account. This will give you access to your website’s server space, where you’ll install WordPress.

4. Download the latest version of WordPress .zip file from .

5. Upload the WordPress .zip file to your web host account. You can do this using an FTP client or your web host’s control panel.

6. Extract the contents of the WordPress zip file on your server. This will create a new directory called “wordpress” in WordPress your server space.

What are the features of WordPress?

Some of the critical features that WordPress offers include: 

  • A simple yet powerful content management system (CMS) allows users to add and manage website content without prior coding knowledge. 
  • An extensive plugin directory with thousands of plugins available to extend the functionality of your site. 
  • A large theme directory offering a wide range of themes to change the look and feel of your website. 
  • A robust development community constantly releases new updates and features for the platform.